mercredi 24 février 2021
Au contraire, les images des films d’Alice Guy se font trop rares, trop segmentées. Le documentaire porte finalement plus sur la documentaliste que sur Alice Guy. Un parti-pris qui ne peut s’entendre qu’en complémentarité avec une approche plus biographique et artistique que le film ne développe que trop peu.
mercredi 17 février 2021
Bonjour Ines, Tatiana est ma cousine, je préfère que vous passiez par sa soeur pour la contacter, Aurelia Peeters sur Facebook.
D autres parts, pour information ; On accuse souvent "des hommes” d’avoir usurpé son travail, de l’avoir effacé de l'histoire du cinéma, ce ne sont pas des hommes mais un, Léon Gaumont qui ne la jamais cité dans son historique des début sde la Gaumont. Les historiens ont recopiés son histoire.
Conference de 3 heures ayant pour but de retirer de sa filmographie la période 1896=1902 , en ce basant sur la taille de la poitrine d une actrice, amie d Alice, qui devait avoir 13 ans en 1896,,, Alice est donc une mythomane, et a commencé sa carrière en 1902, démonstration contredite point par point par Pierre WACKHERR
mardi 5 janvier 2021
1910 Mr. Herbert Blache president of the American Gaumont Co.
The statement was made at the recent meet- ing of "independents" in Cincinnati, Ohio, that Gaumont had severed his relations with the Motion Picture Patents Company and would join the "independents." It was announced that this was a "great victory."
The fact of the matter is that the American Gaumont Co., organized to exploit the Gaumont Chronophone in this country, is the concern involved in the report. The person who made the announcement at the "independent" meeting failed to note the distinction. Here is the official announcement by Mr. Herbert Blache, president and treasurer of the American Gaumont Co.:
Film Pub. Co., June 23, 1910.
1 Madison Ave.,
New York City. Gentlemen:
We beg to inform you that the Gaumont Co. of New York has no longer any connection with the Societe des Etablissements Gaumont of Paris, or with any members of that Company, their interests having pass- ed into the hands of new parties, at the head of whom is the President of our Company, Herbert Blache, the former Secretary and Treasurer of the Company.
The Company will continue business as heretofore, but will make considerable extensions. Yours very truly,
H. Blache, Pres. & Treas.
jeudi 26 septembre 2019
dimanche 1 septembre 2019
dimanche 25 août 2019
jeudi 17 janvier 2019
Secrets of the Night directed by Herbert Blache, (Mr. Alice Guy) is a 1924 film made by Universal Pictures. The film was thought lost until it was rediscovered in a basement in Mississauga, Ontario in 2017.
Secrets of the Night directed by Herbert Blache, (Mr. Alice Guy) is a 1924 film made by Universal Pictures. The film was thought lost until it was rediscovered in a basement in Mississauga, Ontario in 2017.
The black and white “murder mystery-melodrama comedy” stars James Kirkwood Sr., Madge Bellamy and ZaSu Pitts.
For many years, it was believed a lost film. A partial 16mm print exists in a private collection, missing the original opening credits and three scenes from the ending.] A complete copy of the film was rediscovered by Richard Scott in his basement, a former Winnipegger now living in Mississauga, Ontario. Scott’s father used to work at the Eatons department store in Winnipeg; the store had offered a film library, but shut it down in the 1940s and got rid of its stock. His father brought home 15 films and a projector. The films then sat in a box in Scott’s basement for 30 years before being rediscovered in early 2017. Upon discovery, Scott contacted the L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation at the George Eastman Museum in Rochester, New York about the films. Museum staff put him in touch with a media archivist at the University of Toronto, who went to Scott's home and picked up the box films to examine back at the school. After a few weeks, the University got back to him; they were going to restore and digitize all the films. The newly restored Secrets of the Night was then screened for Scott and 100 guests at the University of Toronto in March 2017, with a pianist providing the soundtrack.